The Yale College Equestrian Team is excited to announce its move to the esteemed competition stable, Cedar Brook Farm, in Madison, CT.
The facilieites
Cedar Brook Farm offers a large outdoor arena as well as a stunning 80x160 indoor ring, The stable has 32 stalls and 11 paddocks.
Our head trainer is the renowned Kristi Smith!
Kristi Smith began her impressive junior career with Karen Healey and then went on to train with other greats like Olympian Leslie Burr Howard. With her junior jumper, Artesian, she had incredible success. Their illustrious show record includes championships at Harrisburg, Washington, Devon, and a win at the famous Newport Jumping Derby. Since then she has had continued success in both the hunter and jumper rings, including many Grand Prix wins. She now coaches her students to compete in many prestigious hunter, jumper, and equitation finals including, but not limited to, the USEF Medal and ASPCA Maclay Finals. She trains riders up to the Grand Prix level. Balancing her work between the home farm and numerous horse shows up and down the east coast, Kristi is faithfully dedicated to helping her students become skilled horsemen while reaching their riding goals.
Yale riders will have the opportunity to train with Kristi and the other fantastic coaches, and compete at IHSA shows throughout the northeast. For the more ambitious members, the stable can arrange a private lease in order to travel to top-rated shows around the country.
Overall, Cedar Brook Farm will open the doors to all Yale equestrians to enjoy good college competition and attend nationally recognized competitions.